that the soldiery
towns, that the soldiery cannot succced in enslaving them by force of arms. A wellinhabited street is a fortress which no Iroops can lake if Ihe inhabitants be true lo themselves; provided there be other streets near requiring a like attack from Ihe military. Far be it from us True Religion Outlet to suspect the gallant soldiery of olher countries of showing less patriotism, less humanity, than those of France lately displayed : but the example is encouraging lo tho virtuous portion of the army ; Ihe lesson, Ihe warning, is wholesome lo Ihe profligate and unprincipled, w ho alone make a standing army dangerous.Furthermore, Ihe emancipation of France is the hope andstrenglh of freemen all over Europe. Had she succumbed, Ihe chance of liberty in Italy, in Spain, in Portugal, was indefinitely postponed ; in England herself, a sight of much evil omen was held out to bolh rulers and people The mosl imbecile of ministers, and the least trusted by their country, an' ever ready to retreat behind the ranks of the army ; ever prepared Cheap True Religion Jeans lo support Iheir power by force. Rut no reflecting man can now entertain a doubt, that if our rulers, untaught by llie recent lessons, should ever attempt to enforce arbitrary acts by arms, the people of Ihis country would be ashamed of being ouldone by those of France in Discount True Religion Jeans defending their mosl sacred libertiesFinally, we lake il to be clear, thai the honest and generous emulation,Digitized by GoogleFOREIGN POLITICS. which has ever made he two greatest nations of modern Europe run lie same race of rivalry in improvement, will now help us in" the amendment of whatever True Religion Jeans Outlet defects exists in our institutions. The people of England will not long brook any marked inferiority to their neighbours; and especially will such an eclipse be galling, if it lie in Ihe freedom upon which they have so long prided themselves as their distinguished and exclusive excellence. France has now a freer government than England. This trulli must be told. Shall we not make such improvements as may restore us lo our pristine station, and regain for us what Milton called " our prerogative of leaching the nations how lo live?" The people have hut to will it, and the tiling is done. Such ministers as the present, have at least the recommendation of utter inability lo resist the tide of popular opinion, They arc, it is true, wholly unfit to lead the public sentiment; altogether impotent to carry through great measures of themselves ; but if the country decrees a thing to be done, be it right or
some appearance
Rohan received information of the• Coerlz, .£ Mcmoirta dc Georgcl, i. '.'IV ,lb. I?.SELECTIONS FROM TIIE EDINBURGH REVIEW.himself by a single sentence of disclaimer ? At least, let the ministers Discount True Religion Jeans keep some appearance of consistency. Sir Robert Peel, in Parliament, distinctly announces, at a lime when he feels how extremely insecure the hold over that assembly is, that Ihe ministry will Ihrow themselves upon the counIry, looking only to the people for support. Well, then; Iheir chief goes lo a meeting of the better classes of the people, assembled to do him a civility; and he thinks il True Religion Jeans Outlet beneath him to open his mouth in refutation of True Religion Outlet the worgt charge which could be brought against a public man. lie prefers labouring under it for a season, to denying it at the earliest opportunity. Is this the conduct of men who appeal to the people, and throw themselves on ihe country?If, however, such be the predicament of the present ministers in respect of French affairs, such is uot that of the people. Wilh an unanimity wholly unexampled, they have suffered their delight at Ihe lale glorious Revolution to burst forth, and to reach all the ends of Ihe earth, in accents of applause, of exultation, of heartfelt thankfulness to the French people. The reason why gratitude is felt as well as admiration may easily be discovered. The cause of the French is that of all freemen. If Polignac had succeeded, there would not have been wanting imitators of his conduct elsewhere. We should ourselves have had our Polignacs. No man of common sense can doubt this. Rut such a consummation is now, God be thanked rendered Cheap True Religion Jeans utterly impossible. Several lessons have been taught in Ihe university of Paris, which will not soon be forgotten. The soldiers of olher countries have taken a degree there; it will be an honour to them, for il will make them remember they arc citizens; it will be an advantage to them for it w ill keep them from being exemplarily punished, and without any delay, by their fellowcitizens. The lesson which all armies have learnt is, first, that their duly is not to butcher their fellowsubjects at a tyrant's commands, in order to save a priest's favour, or a minister's place ; next, lhat if in breach of their duly they lend themselves to such treasonable plots of courliers, Ihey are rushing upon their own certain destruction. For a lesson has also been taught lo the citizens of all great
state which does not keep claims open against ils neighbours, and the right to enforce them when there is an opportunity! and there is none which does not feel the necessity of tho balance of power to secure the possession of each. To be sincere, we must not conceal that Bussia is also in a condition to produce wellgrounded claims against Poland, and that we True Religion Jeans Outlet can wilh confidence say the same of our ally the King of Prussia; and if the Court of Vienna finds il expedient to enter inlo measures with us and our ally to compare and arrange our claims, we are ready to agree." Galilzin, on the th January , answered,J in which he acknow ledges tho Cheap True Religion Jeans receipt of the former despatch, containing "an invitation to llite Court True Religion Outlet to accede to a treaty for the Partition of Poland." Kaunilz said, lliat il might he " necessary not to confine the partition to Poland, but that, if that country did not afford means for an equal partition between the two Courts, territory might be laken from some other which might be forced lo give it Discount True Religion Jeans up." He concluded, lhat it was " necessary to keep Ihe negociation a profound secret from Franco and England, who might make a joint effort to prevent the dismemberment." So rapid a progress had Austria made in Iier new system, lhal we find it proposing a new Partition, which could only relate lo Turkey, with which she had concluded an alliance six months ltefore, and whose territories she had solemnly bound herself lo reconquer from Ihe Russians The fears of Kaunilz for the union of France and England were unhappily needless. These great powers, alike deserters of tho rights of nations, and betrayers of the liberties of Europe, saw Ihe crime consummated without stretching forth an arm to prevent it.In the midst of this conspiracy between Kaunilz and Galilzin, a magnificent embassy was sent from France lo her ally, which arrived al Vienna early in January At the head of this mission was the Prince Louis de Rohan, long after unfortunately conspicuous, then appointed as a diplomatic pageant lo grace the embassy by his high birth ; while the business, continued to be in the hands of M. Durand, a diplomatist of experience and ability, who had Ihe character of envoy. Contrary, however, to all reasonable expectalion, the young prince discovered the secret which had escaped the sagacily of the veteran minister. Durand, completely duped by Kaunilz, warned Rohan to hint no suspicions of Austria in iiis despatches lo Versailles. About the end of February
not become accessaries after Ihe fact, by Cheap True Religion Jeans this their conduct? If any man is seen submitting lo a criminal's fellowship, whom all others delest, the conclusion is immediate, that he was a partner in his guilt, and that he has put himself in the offender's power. Are True Religion Jeans Outlet we to infer that our ministers dare not turn heir backs upon their French allies for fear of disclosures? Certain il is, that a strange alacrity to get into suspicion by iheir conduct has been succeeded by as strange a reluctance to disavow the charge by words. The more respectable of the treasury journals announced thai the Duke of Wellington would deny the odious charge al the lato Manchester meeting. His Grace made no sign. He listened to some of his adherents expressing their alarms at the progress of public opinion, and their sagacious apprehensions lhat the people were becoming so well educated, " as to overwhelm the higher orders." Without stopping longer lhan Discount True Religion Jeans lo observe, lhat if by overwhelm he meant outshine, a scanty portion indeed True Religion Outlet of knowledge might cause such wiseacres to be overwhelmed by any class of he community, at least on the supposition that a man's sense is in proportion lo his information. No other remark of a political cast was made. Yet, was il beneath tho Duke of Wellington's dignity to defend• The newspaper arc supposed lo hare great! misrepresented o.ic noble person's words on Ihis occasion. wilh Russia in forcing the Poles lo put an end lo Iheir dissensions. I observed, lhal ihe plan of pacification showed he perfect disinterestedness of her Imperial .Majesty towards Poland, and that no idea of dismemberment had ever entered into her mind, or into that of her ministers. ' I am happy,' said Kaunilz, ' to hear you say so;' and I hen went into commonplaces on the difficulties and dangers of dismemberment. The whole conference passed in a quite different tone and manner from those of our preceding interviews." On Ihe th of October, Galilzin writes that Kaunilz, in his new style of kindness, had assured him, " that the intercourse should he concealed from Versailles, and communicated only lo Berlin."Panin, in his answer, th December! , lo Galilzin, seems to have perfectly well understood the extraordinary artifice of the Austrian minister, who, by a formal declaration for Ihe integrity of Poland, intended lo draw from Bussia an open proposal of dismemberment. " The Court of Vienna," says he, "claims the thirteen towns, and disclaims dismemberment. But there is no
Had Washington sought our shores, after Cheap True Religion Jeans resigning the sceptre which he might have held for life, possibly transmitted lo his kindred, bul lhat he loved his country belter lhan all powerwould hit baggage have been suffered lo pass without search al any customhouseDigitized by GoogleFOREIGN POLITICS. quay in all England? No man dreams of such a thing. Suppose Polignac had succeeded, if any of Ihe unoffending Parisians whom the tyrant ordered his artillery to mow down by thousands, had escaped from the slaughter he was destined lo, who believes that the wreck of his fortunes would have been allowed lo pass dutyfree, and unexamined? Indeed, had Ihe alien bill still armed our ministers with the power, such a refugee would have been sent back lo certain execution by the next tide. Then why was the oppressor so differently treated? This is the question which wc ask now ; the question which the people of England are asking, and which it is the boundcn duty of Iheir representatives to ask. Charles X., by Ihe very act of our government recognising LouisPhilip, is admitted by lhat government to be no longer a kingis ranked by that government among private persons. What right, then, had that government to treat him as a king? What possible motive could Ihey have for thus flying in the English people's face, and insulting Ihe French people also, except to show ostentatiously their sorrow for his True Religion Jeans Outlet failure, and their fellowfeeling for his fatea fate brought on by his crimesa failure in the attempt to perpetrate the most atrocious wickedness of which a monarch can be guilty? Rut it was nol a mere attempt. The abdicated king came among us staiqed wilh the blood of his unoffending subjects. He had ordered his soldiers lo the charge; Ihe onslaught had been tremendous; the artillery had been, with a coldblooded cruelty True Religion Outlet unknown to the most atrocious tyrants, brought to bear upon crowded streets, and to sweep down thousands of all ages, and of eilher sex. From the miserable slaughter which he had commanded, Ihe wretched despot had withdrawn his own person to a place of safety; and providentially discomfited, he had fled from the scene of his crimes. This is he for whom the sympathies of our ministers arc speedly unlocked; for whose accommodation the laws are suspended; who is received Discount True Religion Jeans with distinctions which would have beendenied lo the greatest benefactor of his kind who had never been a king, and a tyrant! What right, then, have those ministers tocomplain, if they aresuspecled of a leaning towards his designs? Io they