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state which does not keep claims open against ils neighbours, and the right to enforce them when there is an opportunity! and there is none which does not feel the necessity of tho balance of power to secure the possession of each. To be sincere, we must not conceal that Bussia is also in a condition to produce wellgrounded claims against Poland, and that we True Religion Jeans Outlet can wilh confidence say the same of our ally the King of Prussia; and if the Court of Vienna finds il expedient to enter inlo measures with us and our ally to compare and arrange our claims, we are ready to agree." Galilzin, on the th January , answered,J in which he acknow ledges tho Cheap True Religion Jeans receipt of the former despatch, containing "an invitation to llite Court True Religion Outlet to accede to a treaty for the Partition of Poland." Kaunilz said, lliat il might he " necessary not to confine the partition to Poland, but that, if that country did not afford means for an equal partition between the two Courts, territory might be laken from some other which might be forced lo give it Discount True Religion Jeans up." He concluded, lhat it was " necessary to keep Ihe negociation a profound secret from Franco and England, who might make a joint effort to prevent the dismemberment." So rapid a progress had Austria made in Iier new system, lhal we find it proposing a new Partition, which could only relate lo Turkey, with which she had concluded an alliance six months ltefore, and whose territories she had solemnly bound herself lo reconquer from Ihe Russians The fears of Kaunilz for the union of France and England were unhappily needless. These great powers, alike deserters of tho rights of nations, and betrayers of the liberties of Europe, saw Ihe crime consummated without stretching forth an arm to prevent it.In the midst of this conspiracy between Kaunilz and Galilzin, a magnificent embassy was sent from France lo her ally, which arrived al Vienna early in January At the head of this mission was the Prince Louis de Rohan, long after unfortunately conspicuous, then appointed as a diplomatic pageant lo grace the embassy by his high birth ; while the business, continued to be in the hands of M. Durand, a diplomatist of experience and ability, who had Ihe character of envoy. Contrary, however, to all reasonable expectalion, the young prince discovered the secret which had escaped the sagacily of the veteran minister. Durand, completely duped by Kaunilz, warned Rohan to hint no suspicions of Austria in iiis despatches lo Versailles. About the end of February

Par xin586you le lundi 18 juillet 2011


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