some appearance
Rohan received information of the• Coerlz, .£ Mcmoirta dc Georgcl, i. '.'IV ,lb. I?.SELECTIONS FROM TIIE EDINBURGH REVIEW.himself by a single sentence of disclaimer ? At least, let the ministers Discount True Religion Jeans keep some appearance of consistency. Sir Robert Peel, in Parliament, distinctly announces, at a lime when he feels how extremely insecure the hold over that assembly is, that Ihe ministry will Ihrow themselves upon the counIry, looking only to the people for support. Well, then; Iheir chief goes lo a meeting of the better classes of the people, assembled to do him a civility; and he thinks il True Religion Jeans Outlet beneath him to open his mouth in refutation of True Religion Outlet the worgt charge which could be brought against a public man. lie prefers labouring under it for a season, to denying it at the earliest opportunity. Is this the conduct of men who appeal to the people, and throw themselves on ihe country?If, however, such be the predicament of the present ministers in respect of French affairs, such is uot that of the people. Wilh an unanimity wholly unexampled, they have suffered their delight at Ihe lale glorious Revolution to burst forth, and to reach all the ends of Ihe earth, in accents of applause, of exultation, of heartfelt thankfulness to the French people. The reason why gratitude is felt as well as admiration may easily be discovered. The cause of the French is that of all freemen. If Polignac had succeeded, there would not have been wanting imitators of his conduct elsewhere. We should ourselves have had our Polignacs. No man of common sense can doubt this. Rut such a consummation is now, God be thanked rendered Cheap True Religion Jeans utterly impossible. Several lessons have been taught in Ihe university of Paris, which will not soon be forgotten. The soldiers of olher countries have taken a degree there; it will be an honour to them, for il will make them remember they arc citizens; it will be an advantage to them for it w ill keep them from being exemplarily punished, and without any delay, by their fellowcitizens. The lesson which all armies have learnt is, first, that their duly is not to butcher their fellowsubjects at a tyrant's commands, in order to save a priest's favour, or a minister's place ; next, lhat if in breach of their duly they lend themselves to such treasonable plots of courliers, Ihey are rushing upon their own certain destruction. For a lesson has also been taught lo the citizens of all great
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